Unfold Your Own Myth

“Find your inner source and unfold” writes Rumi

But don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth, without complicated explanation, so everyone will understand the passage. ~ Rumi (1207-1273) (untitled poem)

These sentences - from an untitled poem by Rumi - point to your inner source of already knowing, also known as not-knowing; your inner wisdom, your own myth, your own expression.

Your own myth

Your own myth rises from your own true expression. Your own always unique unfolding of more of yourself. From your deepest, most spacious, your most inner being. One moment at a time.

The tendency to look at others (too much) as the main source of inspiration can become an obstacle to tap in into the wisdom and unfolding of your own mythe.

When you find someone is inspiring to you is simply because you recognize something you already have yourself within. Something about this person or what the person does speaks to you, and you are drown to it like a magnet. Because you recognize it, as you cannot see or connect to something you don’t recognize. And a desire is born; meant to inspire you so you can explore yourself further and more. You already own this trait or skill, and you admire others who accelerate in the skill or trait.

As long as you don’t understand you are allowed to unfold, completely and uniquely, just like the others you admire have unfolded themselves, admiration forms an obstacle. And at the same time; it becomes the reminder of what you are and what you want.

“Don’t be satisfied with how things have gone for others”.

Watching others TOO MUCH

A worldwide trend: excessive admiration for what others can do and express in words, actions and creative expressions and put them on a pedestal, becomes an obstacle. 

As can excessive complaining or giving attention to what doesn’t go the way you want or doesn’t go the way you see it according to your beliefs. The real obstacle in this is: going outward with your attention too much. Whether in admiration or complaining, going outward with your attention to the person or object of admiration or complaint, becomes an obstacle to a stable connection with your inner source of feeling, exploring, trusting and expressing.

  • Going outward with your attention means you cannot at that same moment connect with your attention to your inner feeling.
  • Going outward with your attention means you cannot at that same moment explore your inner feeling.
  • Going outward with your attention means you cannot at that same moment trust what you feel and discover further.
  • Going outward with your attention means you cannot at that same moment trust what arises new from this – insights, understanding, clarity, new desires.
  • Going outward with your attention means you cannot at that same moment give expression from a place of deepest knowing and trusting.

Giving excessive attention to something or someone in a positive or negative way: both versions become an obstacle to our most true expression coming from our inner source, our inner light.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. ~ Marianne Williamson from 'Return to Love' (no, not Nelson Mandela)

Going within

From this inner source within you always give expression in a unique way. You connect within and you give.

The expression that follows doesn’t need a complicated explanation. The gesture, the sentence, the picture or whatever the expression may be; coming from your inner source of light it goes without saying.

So everyone understands the passage.

About the author
I always bring my camera, and yes also when I go to the supermarket, throw out garbage, or wait for the train/bus. The experience of seeing fresh is and remains a wonderful lively and joyful experience. It keeps me young and youthful, and I enjoy my childlike curiosity while being fully aware of a turbulent wold. You can often find me in the kitchen, cooking and baking, and I garden vertically on my balcony. The sea and dunes are my backyard where I like dive in ;-)
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