Online Miksang Course: Getting Started

Learn how to look from inner stillness, see fresh, discover everyday beauty and improve your pictures with genuine photography

Your Good Eye

Learn to look with fresh eyes and a calm still mind and see your everyday world anew

Appreciate Your World

Open your heart, allow your vivid visual perceptions fully in and wake up to your everyday world

In the here & NOW

Discover the joy of pure perception and seeing vividly and directly in the here and now.
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How to connect to the already present ordinary beauty?

Before Hèlen Vink started teaching Miksang Photography she created contemporary art using the medium of photography educated at the Art Academy and gradually mastering her own style. Conceptual art was the zeitgeist of the nineties and each project started with a preconceived idea, arranging as many details as possible and working out the idea into a planned end result. The process of creative photography was a mixture of searching and lucky spontaneous hunches. For a while she enjoyed this however in the longer term it became exhausting

Hèlen instantly fell in love with Miksang Photography. She immediately understood how her experiences of photography, mindfulness meditation, the Dharma Art teachings and Buddhism came together in an accessible and poetic way.

Since 2009 Hèlen Vink is a certified Miksang instructor, has brought Miksang Photography to the Netherlands and teaches Miksang training courses and Miksang Masterclasses in the Netherlands and Europe.

After the online introductory talk you will learn more about what Miksang Photography is and what it is not. Starting with the specifics of looking and seeing: the different ways of looking, awake seeing, vivid direct visual resonance and relaxing in pure perception. How do you discover the magic of the everyday beauty, which is always already present? Learn to truly connect to what you see fresh, and let these poetic Miksang images come to you instead of searching for 'great pictures'. 

Getting started begins with the view of contemplative photography followed by practical visual exercises to align your eyes, mind and heart. You relax and from this open space you go playfully out and about with photographic Miksang assignments.

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Activate your Good Eye

Miksang means 'Good Eye' and is a contemplative form of photography through which you can learn to recognize your pure perceptions.

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Seeing From the Heart

You look with your eyes and seeing happens in your heart and from your heart. This is a tangible bodily experience.

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Mindful looking

If you stabilize a calm mind, you free up inner space for uninhibited, engaged and curious looking. Free from dividing into 'like' & 'don't like'.

miksang photography, miskang, miskang photography ,miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Slowing down

With a calm mind you recognize how you see something from your heart. Then you can stand still and come to a complete stop!

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Simplified photography

With a compact camera, system camera, SLR camera, smartphone; no matter which one, you can learn to shoot calm, precise & simple.

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Start right now!

Follow your inspiration and start now! Charge you batteries, listen to the instructions and go out with the first Miksang photo assignment.

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Would you like to...

  • Truly connect with ordinary beauty?
  • Experience how contemplative photography brings you a calm mind and awake being & seeing?
  • Understand the language of seeing from your heart?
  • Feel more what you see and think less about your see?
  • Look anew at the same world with an open heart and refreshed eyes?
  • Allowing in what you see joyfully unexpectedly and seemingly randomly?
  • Discover your unique resonance of everyday beauty?
  • Enjoy your everyday visual world more?
  • Experience the joy of uninhibited looking and touched seeing?
  • Integrate visual wonder in your daily life?
  • Sharpen your skills of pure perception and clear seeing?
  • Learn how to photograph authentic pictures free from searching
  • Discover how visual poetry finds you?
  • Easily improve your pictures and photographic skills?
online miksang, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Getting Started with Miksang Photography

Open your eyes and Wake Up to your everyday world! Enjoy pure perception with your 'Good Eye' and pure expression with your camera. Replace macro, minimalist and haphazard shooting for the elegant expression of contemplative photography.

Temporary price reduction

After the introductory talk and being introduced to the basics of Miksang Photography & Seeing From Your Heart, you will start very practical with your first Miksang photo assignment and have one full day of Miksang practice.


Now with 40% discount!

> Under-construction-price

Until this online course is finished, then the price will be €97

  • Introductory talk
  • Miksang photo presentation including 10 pictures with in-depth explanation
  • Miksang e-book
  • Mindful grounding exercises
  • Visual exercises
  • Guided Instruction
  • 1 Miksang photo assignment
  • Examples for the Miksang photo assignment
  • Online review of your selection pictures
  • Miksang App for your smartphone
  • Miksang Online Community
  • 15+ video lessons with a value of €135
  • Ongoing updates and adjustments
  • 6 months access
Temporary price reduction

After the introductory talk and being introduced to the basics of Miksang Photography & Seeing From Your Heart, you will start very practical and practice in three days with three Miksang assignments and reviews. Learn all about the ins & outs of Miksang Photography.


Now with 40% discount!

> Under-construction-price

Until this online course is finished, then the price will be €187

  • Introductory talk
  • Miksang photo presentation including 10 pictures with in-depth explanation
  • Miksang e-book
  • Mindful grounding exercises
  • Start: 3x live Zoom session
  • A series of visual exercises
  • Guided instructions
  • 3x Miksang photo assignments
  •  Examples for each Miksang photo assignment
  • Learn in-depth how to select successful Miksang pictures
  • 3x live Zoom reviews of your selection pictures
  • Miksang App for your smartphone
  • Miksang Online Community
  • 35+ video lessons with a value of €390
  • Bonus: extra Miksang assignment
  • Ongoing updates and adjustments
  • 1-year access
  • After completing you can join the live 3-day deepening Miksang Retreat 'True Connection & Fields of Perceptions'

This is not only a photography course!

Discover your everyday beauty with contemplative photography in 6 minutes with Hèlen Vink, and enjoy 3 minutes of Miksang pictures.

online miksang course, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Wat is the Miksang Method?

In Miksang Photography the emphasis is on the process of perception, the joy of vivid visual resonance and the three stages of the Miksang practice. We do not make use of themes and concepts, nor do we use technical photographical filters, a flash, a tripod or photoshop software during photographing or afterwards.

You will be guided with by step by step instructions. Part of the step by step instructions is the Miksang Method; in helpful steps you go from a pure perception to a successful 'equivalent', the Miksang photo.
online miksang course, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Develop calmness and inner stillness 

In this contemplative approach to photography you develop calmness and inner stillness smartphone with the medium of photography,; your camera or smartphone. To be able to shift from the end result to the process of perception, first you learn to ground yourself in how you perceive and noticing how you receive your unique perceptions.

There is really no rush to take a picture, and slowing down with your camera becomes a mindfulness practice that helps you stabilizing calmness and inner stillness and discovering your everyday beauty.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Online Course

How can I listen to the Introductory talk and the further instructions?

Via the online Miksang Academy, with the app 'Huddle'. When you are logged in, the Miksang Introduction talk is available to you, in which all kinds of aspects of Miksang Photography will be explained in the video lessons. And you can watch the Miksang photo presentation of a selection of upodated Miksang photos by Hèlen Vink..

After the last video lesson you continue with the next Module of video lessons where you will get started step by step. Just click the next video lesson.

How long lasts the Introductory talk Seeing From The Heart?

The time investment depends on each person. The online Miksang introductory lecture contains 5 modules with about 14 short videos and lasts about 1.5 hours.

How much time takes the course Getting Started?

The time investment depends on each person. After the online Miksang of about 1.5 hours it is advisable you start the next day or in the next coming days with your first Miksang assignment.

Before you go out and about with this assignment you will need about 1,5-2 hrs. for the next talk on how to get really started, a reflecting exercise, visual exercises and instructions, viewing the examples and making yourself ready to go outside. The Miksang photo assignment itself takes between 1,5 - 2 hrs, do not make it much longer.

In example:
When you start at 09.30 hrs in the morning you will be ready around lunch time.
Or when you start after lunch you will be ready for diner time.

For selecting your picture you continue with the video lessons, where you will receive instructions on how to select your pictures and how to submit these.

What is the Huddle App?

Huddle is an online platform. And on this platform you will learn everything about Miksang photography.

You can watch the video lessons at your own time: on your phone (via this app) or via our website on your laptop, desktop or iPad.

Do I need experience in meditation or mindfulness?

No, you can relax and listen to the Introductory talk, view the Miksang photos and follow the video lessons and step by step instructions.

Do I need experience in photography?

No. In Miksang Photography, the emphasis is on the process of perception and seeing from the heart, and we keep the photography as simple as possible. In the introductory talk and the introductory course we will not discuss photo technology or how a camera works. Of course, it is helpful if you have some basic knowledge on how a camera works.
In the Basic Course there will be some more instruction on camera settings, and you wille guided step by step.

What kind of camera do I need?

Any camera. As long as it is digital and has a general zoom lens.
A compact camera with a zoom lens.
Or a hybrid camera of DSLR camera with a zoomlens between 35-135 mm is recommended: a special macro lens and a fixed aperture lens is not suitable.

Can I use my smartphone?

Yes. Make sure you use the setting 'portrait' in the camera app, and keep it on 'natural light'. Here you can adjust your aperture and light when needed.

I look forward discovering the everyday beauty, not needing to hunt and search for beautiful pictures anymore: I would like to learn more about letting my perceptions in