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Online Miksang Introduction

Discover the magic of everyday beauty

with fresh eyes and your camera

Good Eye

Discover the brilliance of everyday beauty with your unique 'Good Eye' 

Fresh Eyes

Wake up to your everyday world with fresh eyes, a calm mind and open heart aligned

Poetic Pictures

The poetic Miksang pictures are the natural result of seeing from the heart
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Your Good Eye

Learn to open your heart, calm your thinking mind and open up to your spacious minded. Discover how fresh seeing allows you to deeply relax and wake up simultaneously.

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Stillness & slowing down

Inner stillness and calmness comes from relaxing your busy reasoning thinking. Slowing down thinking though experiencing uninhibited looking and fresh seeing.

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Simplified photography

A compact camera, hybrid camera or SLR camera; it doesn't matter Photography is not rocket science, and the photographic technique is way overrated; we keep it simple.

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You feel fresh seeing

'Fresh' is the opposite of 'concept' and preparing what you want to see and photograph. Learn to trust the feeling what you see fresh, that first moment free of any thought.

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How to look mindful

Be curious and investigative. Als je denken kalmer is heb je meer innerlijke ruimte om mindful, open, onbevangen en nieuwsgierig te zijn. Zo oefen je aandachtig kijken.

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Start at home now

Begin thuis met de lezing, en een visuele oefening. Meteen nu of later! Ook kan je zelf aan de slag: start nu met Miksang Fotografie!

miksang photography, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Miksang Master Hèlen Vink

In 2006 Hèlen Vink coordinated the first Miksang workshop in Europe and as a new participant she fell in love instantly! Hèlen immediately understood how all of her experiences of photography, mindfulness meditation, the teachings on Dharma Art and Buddhism came together in an accessible and poetic way.

She brought Miksang Photography to the Netherlands, worked closely with Michael Wood - founder of The Miksang Institute - and is a certified Miksang instructor.

Since 2009, Hèlen has been teaching Miksang trainings, retreats and Masterclass days offline and online. She organizes an annual Miksang Retreat in France and in the Netherlands, again in 2023.

This Miksang approach to photography is about the joy of vivid, direct perception, and understanding fully what you see fresh before you take a picture. When you dare to stand still, come to a full stop and stabilizing a calm mind and open heart you can really let in what you see unexpectedly, suddenly, as vivid mini lightning bolts.

The goal is to discover the ordinary beauty in your everyday life, let in what resonates, connect, and express your unique experience of seeing from the heart with your camera, genuinely and elegantly. One moment at a time, free & joyful.

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You taught me to look attentively (oh, no, that's called seeing ;-) in a way I had heard of but never experienced myself. And that's something I do regularly now when I notice I have a busy head. I also notice faster the speed I am in. The fact that I recognize that, and no longer automatically get stuck in it, is a big advantage for me.
miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

Pictures that are the result of a mind, heart and eyes aligned 

In the online introductory talk you will get to know the basics; what is Miksang 'good eye' and what is needed to see like this?

The principles of pure perception and clear seeing: how do you see pure and clear, and what is clear seeing? What is direct vivid perception and what is it not? Learn to understand the difference between the direct experience of seeing and thinking about seeing.

In the now you experience direct vivid perception; the question is not necessarily where you see everyday beauty, but when. Not later, or later, just now or then that moment last year. Always NOW.

A meditative state of openness is the basis for how the beauty of the ordinary everyday things can meet you; how to let your busy head calm down, look with open heart and awake eyes, and let in what resonates.

Discovering everyday beauty: the everyday beauty is there all the time, everywhere, already always present, and yet you don't see it all the time. How to solve the obstacles to clear seeing and look uninhibited and connected.

Effortlessly improve your photos; learn about photographing with the Miksang Method, so that the picture shows what you have really seen. Not too much and not too little in the picture, exactly enough.

€ 19,50-
€ 14

Introductory talk: Seeing From The Heart

Your introduction to Miksang Photography and seeing from the heart; learn about the process of pure perception, the mechanics of uninhibited looking and fresh seeing, a calm mind, more connecting and less thinking, the joy of discovering the simple richness of your everyday life  and the experience of meeting the visual world as it is, free from mental projections and concepts.

Relax, enjoy the Miksang photos and let yourself be touched by a graceful ordinary world.
  • The Introductory talk - Seeing From The Heart

    meditation, miksang photography, mindfulness in action, meditation in action, buddhism, dharma art, dharma, spirituality, spiritual photography,

    #Preface - Good Eye

    Miksang is a Tibetan word which translates as 'good eye'. In this module you will be introduced to the meaning of 'good' as fundamental goodness beyond the division of 'good and bad', and 'eye' as your innate clear seeing.
    meditation, miksang photography, mindfulness in action, meditation in action, buddhism, dharma art, dharma, spirituality, spiritual photography,

    #The 3 aspects of the perception

    This area can be filled with loads of content. Make sure you don't use too much text, keep it clean and simple!
    online miksang, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

    #What resonates in the midst of everyday life

    This area can be filled with loads of content. Make sure you don't use too much text, keep it clean and simple!
    online miksang, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

    #About seeing from the heart

    This area can be filled with loads of content. Make sure you don't use too much text, keep it clean and simple!
    online miksang, miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

    # The photo presentation

    This area can be filled with loads of content. Make sure you don't use too much text, keep it clean and simple!
    miksang photography, miksang retreat, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat

    #Experience a visual exercise

    This area can be filled with loads of content. Make sure you don't use too much text, keep it clean and simple!

    About Miksang Photography

    Get familiair with the basics of Miksang Photography at your home. Learn more about the meaning of 'Good Eye' and how Miksang photos are created. Discover the obvious and the subtle aspects of mindful looking, clear seeing, what resonates vividly from the heart and understand the difference with thinking about what you see.

    Of zet alle onderdelen / voordelen als volgt onder elkaar:

    Your introduction to Miksang Photography

    How do you photograph from your heart, and free yourself from too much thinking and overthinking? In this Miksang approach to photography, the emphasis is on the process of perception, mindful looking, noticing what resonates visually, and the joy of vivid seeing, the unthought vivi experience unexpected of visual impulses that seem to have no  logic. Discover the everyday beauty and learn how to photograph simply and authentically with a calm mind, open heart and awake eyes aligned. Relax and wake up to the vividness of your everyday life. Please enjoy the Miksang photo presentation.

    With Hèlen Vink.

    € 17.50-
    € 11
    • Introductory talk with Hèlen's personal up-to-date photo presentation
    • In your own time at home
    • Learn about the process of perception before picking up your camera
    • Discover the delight of uninhibited looking and fresh seeing
    • How to relax your overthinking and wanting to see certain things and not see certain things with the Miksang approach?
    • Discover how photography is not just photography but a mindflulness meditation in action
    • Waar en wanneer is de alledaagse schoonheid te zien?
    • Over oprecht en eenvoudig fotograferen
    • Met een Miksang fotopresentatie
    • Krijg inzicht in hoe een Miksang foto ontstaat: 10 Miksang foto's met meer aandacht bespreken
    • Participate in a core visual exercise
    • In 5 modules and short videos 
    • Duration: 1,5 hr

    Are you curious to find out more?

    After the Introductory talk you can get started right away! Experience yourself how to align your eyes, mind and heart with visual exercises guided by Hèlen Vink. After this you go out very practically with your first Miksang photo assignment, with furthers instructions on how 'to do Miksang'!
    - Frequently Asked Questions -

    Never searching for 'beautiful places' and 'beautiful pictures'again?