Why are the Miksang photos only in colour? Black & White can make the pictures look more expressive, and I really like that.
Because we see the world in colour. The nostalgia for the black and white photography dates from the time before color photography. Photography started in black and white, and until around 1960 this was the most affordable. As soon as color photography became affordable, most photographers switched. This immediately opened the door for the consumer and photography became accessible to everyone.
Having said this, everyone is completely free to choose whether to photograph with or without filters; it's all creative expression. Just know that the desire for black and white or classifying this as more beautiful is simply a preference; an external photographic filter that reflects an internal mental filter.
The real question here would be:
What would you like to become not only your second nature but also your first nature? Seeing from the heart, tuning in to your inherent ability of pure perception and clear seeing, and being able to discover the beauty of your day-to-day world at any given time you open your eyes and connect joyfully ever more easily with the world AS IT IS?
Or, creating a clouded view and a clouded world by projecting your mental filters such as naming, opinions, beliefs, preferences and associations onto the visual world, where the longing to truly connect and the longing to experience seeing from the heart and waiting for this one amazing picture or a few amazing pictures keeps lingering, unfulfilled?
"It’s a question of removing the clouds, rather than recreating the sun” – Chögyam Trungpa