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3-day Miksang Module 3

The Heart of Miksang: Moments & Visual Haiku

April 10-13, 2025 in Zandvoort

Meditation in Action

Balancing sensing, feeling, perceiving & thinking & receiving what resonates

The Art of Miksang

Being available & committing to genuine authentic photographic expression

Infinite Perceptions

The art of pure perception & pure expression & infinite perceptions

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Looking and seeing

Mastering uninhibited looking And fresh seeing in the midst of your ongoing daily life. Having stabilised openness at all times and all places, and the Miksang Method embodied

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Seeing from the Heart

The purpose of Miksang 'Good Eye' is looking and seeing with awake eyes, open heart and a still mind aligned. The meaning is to be open & enjoying the phenomenal world. 

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Slowing Down

Slowing down begins with standing still and coming to a full stop. Dissolving the need to grasp 'nice pictures', allowing yourself to look deeper in an ever changing world. 
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Be confident

Feeling your way through your day-to-day world with the art of Miksang Photography, being confident about what visually resonates and giving genuine photographic expression.

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Miksang photography is learning to photograph with the intention of availabilty. The more natural your availabilty becomes, the easier it is to experience being struck.

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Pictures as a Mirror

Not only do your photos with the Miksang Method improve. You also embrace kindly and gently where you 'stumble' in your process; this is palpable in the photo!

Impermanence & Delight

miksang photography, miksang, good eye, mindfulness, mindful photography, meditation, dharma art, miksang mindful photography, miksang rereat, miksang photography retreat
Hèlen Vink

I developed the Miksang 'Heart' Module so that after your introduction and after the foundation of 'Thatness' you are landing in the dynamic of everything changing, continuously. Nothing is the same, every now is a completely new now. Every moment you have the choice to consciously choose for awake looking and letting in visual beauty. Connected in the here and now, one moment at a time.

How do you bring more peace and beauty into your life in a photographically creative authentic way?

And how do you integrate this into your daily life?

It is a matter of doing and practicing, practicing, practicing.

Now you have come to the heart of Miksang Photography: allowing, noticing and trusting the constantly changing moments.

You further relax any photographic ambition, the wanting, the searching and the 'shoulding'.

From this flows a deep enjoyment and delight in moments that come and go. You integrate open looking without being for or against anything, free from judgments and inhibitions; if you relax this classification mechanism there is room for your full personal connection in the here and now.

With open eyes, a calm mind and gentle heart aligned you come to a full stop more often, gently and truly.

You have your camera at hand for your unique authentic expression for what resonates, what you see from your heart.

In this Miksang Retreat you submerse yourself further into the Miksang principles, embracing the transient and expressing your authentic photographic expression, one moment at time. Free & joyful!

Miksang 3 Retreat - Moments & Visual Haiku

miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography
€ 595
€ 495 | €50 Early Bird Discount €445

3-day Miksang Retreat | April 10-13, 2025

3-day Miksang 3 Retreat in Zandvoort aan Zee, Netherlands

This is the heart of your Miksang Photography. In these three days you will further stabilise your confidence in genuine and elegant photography. Having understood 'thatness', you now immerse yourself in the transience of moments and moments 'plus' - the visual haiku. A moment dawns, for a fleeting time and dissolves again.

Every day with talks, Q&A and new exercises where you set out from the open space within yourself with a new Miksang photo assignment as meditation-in-action.

Each ends with an image review.

Location: Zandvoort, Netherlands

Dates: April 11-13, 2025 | Friday-Sunday from 09:00 - 18:00

Pricing: €495 | Early Bird €445

Prerequisite: On invitation

Including: 1 free (Online) Miksang Masterclass (within 6 months)

miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography

Would you like to join Miksang 2 & 3?

Early Bird Pricing: 2x €495 =€890 now for €815,-

Join us for 2 consecutive Miksang Retreats in Zandvoort!

• Miksang 2 from April 7-9

• Miksang 3 from April 11-13


miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography

Day 1

Reflecting on your Miksang Journey so far

Building your foundation with the Miksang Method, Thatness and the introduction to Moments

Thatness and isness is the foundation of the world of phenomena, which is always there in the visual world, in our everyday world. Which never changes! The basis of impermanent quality is always there and with this you have developed equanimity. What in a very natural way follows is a further deepening into the nature of moments: the transient.

This first day with 'moments' takes you the time to understand your struck seeing again, with the Miksang Method. With new exercises and your new Miksang photo assignment and practical instructions.

miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography

Day 2

The Richness of Moments and Awakeness 

You shift from permanence to impermanence, and look at 'moments' with deliberate intention. A moment is something that comes together, lingers for a moment and dissolves again. It characterises a flowing quality.

The foundation of 'fresh' is the certainty that 'fresh' is always available; fresh is in the here and now, to which you can return to every time and anytime. You relax any idea and insistence of an end result. Instead of photographing for an audience, every moment that you see fully and genuine, you photographing becomes an elegant expression of your personal inner journey. This is the goal and heart of the Miksang journey.

miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography

Day 3

Introduction to a moment 'plus'; a visual Haiku. Specifically, you look at the world of form in which three elements come together. This is what characterises a haiku. Simplicity is the other characteristic of a haiku, which can always be found in the richness of all your visual perceptions and mindful presence in the here and now. From unconditional openness and passion, you explore the subtleties and intimacy of the infinite richness of the visual world.

You also become more familiar with what you see, yet want to name and classify and you recognise that associations come up, and that you can let these pass by. Every moment you have the choice for real, authentic and genuine. Your Miksang foundation is strengthened and you are ready for the follow-up training: Miksang 4 on Form as Space, Space as Vorm & Moments in Space.

Haiku Poem

An old pond

A frog leaps in

The sound of water

~ Basho


miksang retreat, miksang photography, mindful photography, miskang photography, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, meditation retreat, spirituality, creative photography fotograferen, contemplatieve, miksang contemplative photography

April 11-13, 2025

09.00 hrs. - 18.00 hrs.

3-day Miksang 3 - Moments & Visual Haiku

Location: 3 days in Zandvoort, Netherlands
On invitation