Your Miksang seat
I have developed this 6-day deepening in Miksang Photography around the 3 universal principles of Heaven, Earth and Man based on the Dharma Art teachings of Chögyam Trungpa. So you can deepen your confidence in your flashes of perception.
Sacred geometry is present in everything, including yourself. Consciously looking and photographing with the 3 principles brings you closer to the sacred geometry of all forms and shapes, and within yourself. Beautiful compositions and beautiful art always has this natural sacred geometry. This is a universal and timeless aspect of the brilliance of everyday beauty.
Miksang Photography as a lifestyle and taking your Miksang seat is the combination of you as a 'tourist' in this uniquely beautiful location on a volcanic island, practicing pure perception and genuine photographic expression.
You can connect completely and fully in the each now-moment. Which enables to your Miksang seat every time you press the button of your camera. Still, calm, connected, confident, passionate, committed to give expression in a simple and genuine way.